Jeandre Lindeque
Jeandre is my Cover Model for Run into the Wind. The photo was taken by Photographer Nolte Lourens. The background pic was taken on my trip to Las Vegas.
Click here to follow him on Facebook to keep up with his latest projects & pics!
Below is my exclusive interview with him from 2010, yes he is as sweet as he looks!
Book Cover: Run into the Wind
Character: Brock Stafford
Name: Jeandre Lindeque
Where do you live? I live in Pretoria South Africa, I love Pretoria cause its the perfect mix between the hustle of city living mixed with open spaces, and its nice and green. It's not one big concrete jungle, that depresses the hell out of me.
Age? I am 24 years old
Hair Color? My hair is dark brown, I have never colored or highlighted or done anything to my hair except cut it, I’m not into that metro stuff, I think a guy should always be appropriately dressed for what you are doing, always look neat and smell good, but beyond that I not into the sissy stuff. That is something I try to take into my work as a Project Manager. I’m in construction for a Development company in Johannesburg, Urban Ocean Property Development.
Eye Color? My eyes are green and blue if that is possible, no one can really decide which way they go, this was the case since primary school.
Height? I am 6'2
How much do you work out? I work out every day in the gym, and I do bodywheight pull ups in the morning to wake myself up, and train martial arts in the evenings 4 times a week after work. I like to eat healthy, but it's easy for me cause I love things like sushi, stir fried veggies, that sort of thing. Over the weekend, I like to indulge in a large Hawaiian Pizza that’s my favorite cheat food from my diet.
Hobbies? I am someone who likes to stay extremly busy, thus I have many hobbies, I love Muay Thai kick boxing I have been doing it for couple of years now, I have always loved contact sports after school while I was studying. I was a professional rugby player for a while, for those who don't know rugby is like NFL without the pads and you don't get a break every 3 seconds! Even the fat guys have to play the whole 80 minutes. I Love movies, watching MMA and watching rugby, LOVE the outdoors can spend the whole weekend fishing and being in nature, it just makes me feel close to God.
Do you have any pets? I have a dog, her name is Zoey, she’s a golden brown Cocker Spaniel, no fish or birds they are only for eating. :-)
Favorite Author? I must confess I am not a big reader, I enjoy reading but always seem to find something active to do, My favorite author is of course Lynn Hubbard!
Favorite Book? An Afrikaans book called, Kringe in die bos. But I mostly enjoy thrillers as entertainment, whether its watching a movie or reading. My favorite movie is Brave Heart, by Mel Gibson, my favorite actor is Ryan Reynolds, actress is Sandra Bullock, the Proposal is one of my favorite movies.
Thank you for reading all these little pieces of my life, hope you loved Lynn's book!