About Lynn Hubbard
A Historical Romance Author who instills Humor and Realism into my Books & Characters.
Because Sex is Funny.

Lynn Hubbard is a Historical Fiction author. She has been writing for over ten years and has eight books. Most of which are westerns. Lynn is fascinated by the Old West and her books portray when life was simpler. When, people worked hard, and sweated to make an honest living. And when justice wasn't always blind.
I have been writing for over ten years and published for four. I have a twisted sense of humor and try to impart that into my writing. I am a sucker for happy endings. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to read, but when I do, I enjoy non-fiction books as well as fiction. I am currently reading a book on K2, the second tallest mountain in the world. My favorite book series is Trixie Belden. Trixie was my best friend growing up and we still visit from time to time. I have two very creative and talented sons, and two dogs. I live in rural Georgia and love it!
When I'm not writing, or playing Candy Crush, I run a publishing company, Lemon Press publishing. I am also the manager for a country western band, Alias, Smith & Owens.
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