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Submissions are Now Open

Submissions are now open for PTSD No Apologies Book 3
Share your own story, art work, or poems now to help others battling this very real issue.
For more information please contact Cindy Smith @ txredmollie@yahoo.com
or authorlynnhubbard@gmail.com
PTSD-No Apologies is a powerful anthology of personal stories and poems. Many of the stories were written by those whose lives have been affected by PTSD.
Collectively, they demonstrate what happens when an individual has been exposed to horrifying situations that stick in the memory...refuse to leave...and are constantly relived again and again.
I hear gun shots. This is what one veteran shared with me. And wanted me to share with you. Words are powerful things, they can hurt or they can heal.
This is a collection of personal stories written to help spread awareness. To let everyone know that PTSD is real. And that there is an epidemic being overlooked. Our soldiers deserve better. And we are their voice. PTSD-No Apologies.
Proceeds from this book, will be used to distribute Print Copies to Veteran’s Hospitals around the United States.